You can access family support through your Social Worker from your local Trust. You can also use your personal budget or direct payment to purchase supports directly from us.

Family Support Services

Family support is a specialist service providing flexible, tailored support to the whole family. Staff and volunteers from these services provide opportunities for children and young people to become more involved in the community and make it possible for parents, brothers and sisters to enjoy fuller lives.

We do this through:-

  • Having regular contact with parents to provide support, information and advice
  • Providing support to children and young people to attend youth groups and activities
  • Offering support groups and activities for brothers and sisters
  • Providing advice and training for the community to enable them to appreciate and welcome the children and young people we support

Locations: Bangor, Lisburn, Enniskillen

Roisin and Oisin’s Story – Ending the Isolation

Autism Outreach Service

Our Autism Outreach Service is for autistic children and young people (aged 4–18) who live in the Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT) area. The service supports children and young people to help realise their dreams and ambitions including participating in community activities. In so doing, parents get a break from their caring responsibilities.

  • Identify and support age appropriate social and play activities for children, using applicable developmental and sensory tools, in an individual or group setting.
  • Support the development of social, communication, advocacy and life skills in young people. Provide opportunities for children, young people and parents to become more involved in the ‘everyday’ by accessing community activities and developing friendships.
  • Provide parents with practical and emotional support as well as information and advice.
  • Provide programmes of activities during school holidays which include siblings.
  • Build resilience and peer support through the development of a parent network.

The Brighter Futures project does this through:

Ronan’s Story – A Fighting Chance